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Home / Provinces of Spain / Salamanca / Salamanca / Attractions in Salamanca /

San Marcos Church

It belonged to the Knights Templar.


San Marcos Church is one of the most original churches of the Spanish Romanesque.


Its perfectly circular floor in the exterior is one of the few existing floors of this type. Inside, it is divided into three naves that are delimited by columns that finish in three semicircular apses.


It has different styles in the whole complex.

As well as a place for praying and worship, it was used as a refuge and defence in case of attacks. Outside, we should highlight the Baroque bell tower.


Many people think that the interior walls should be decorated with beautiful Gothic murals from the XVI Century, with themes that make allusion to the Virgin´ s coronation, San Cristobal or the Announcement.


We should highlight an image of the Cristo del Castillo, crucified, that follows the Gothic model from the end of the XIII Century, and dominates the Major Altar.

Built: XII Century

Author: Anónimo

Style: Romanesque

Category: Religious

Type: Church

Plan your visit

Address and telephone

  • Calle Apóstoles, 1-5. 37002 Salamanca
  • +34 923 128 900

Opening times

  • 1 April to 30 September, Tuesday to Sunday: from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • 1 October to 31 March: during hours of worship.
  • Closed on mondays.

Tickets and prices

Free entry.

If you see any mistakes or want to add anything to this information, please contact us.


Attractions in Salamanca

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