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Home / Provinces of Spain / Barcelona / El Masnou / Beaches in El Masnou /

Platja del Masnou Beach

Blue flagBlue flag beach
Beach description
  • Length: 1100 meters
  • Width: 25 meters
  • Environment: Urban
  • Composition: Sand
  • Swimming conditions: Calm waters, Windy
  • Nudist area: No
  • Level of occupancy: Medium
  • Degree of urbanization: Semi-urban
  • Getting there
    • How to get: Easy on foot
    • The access points are signposted
    • Accessible for handicapped
    • Nearest road: C-32, N-II
    • You can reach the beach by bus

    More info

    • Feet shower
    • Showers
    • Litter bins
    • Cleaning service
    • Food
    • Drink
    • Sun beds hiring
    • Child area
    • Surf practice area
    • Marina: Port Masnou
    • Rescue team
    • Danger signposting


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    Source of information on beaches: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs).